Experts On-Demand

Experts On-Demand is now part of Professional and Family subscriptions! This gets you access to ALL events including past and future workshops, interviews, and all associated perks like audios, transcripts, and worksheets. 

Immediate access to 125 expert interviews from authors, psychologists, and parenting experts around the world

  • GRIT: You’ll hear from the pioneer of Grit and #1 NYT Bestselling author, Dr. Angela Duckworth.
  • PROCRASTINATION: Learn from the world’s foremost expert on procrastination, Dr. Tim Pychyl.
  • PEACEFUL PARENTING: Strategies on peaceful parenting from Dr. Laura Markham.
  • UNSCHOOLING: How to teach kids to be self-directed learners by Akilah Richards
  • INDEPENDENT KIDS: Cultivate self-efficacy in kids and break free from overparenting by Julie Lythcott-Haims

Immediate access to 9 masterclasses on helping kids boost resilience, grit, mindfulness and more

Immediate access to 2 previous long-form workshops on anger and procrastination

Reserved tickets to all future workshops; ticket price already included in membership price

Access to all future interviews with experts